(It caused a bit of a stir at the time. And it must have damaged the 10:10 campaign, a nice bit of blow-back, and as far as one can tell they have removed any links to the video from their own sites, so it's not all bad news. As of 2019 to be found behind annoying YouTube sign-in).
Scene 1: Classroom
0:03 Establishes white boy sitting alone at the front. We'll be back to him in a moment.
0:08 Establishes two white boys sitting together.
0:09 The white boy mentioned above is clearly alone [isolated], [low value] and bored [unsympathetic], [low value]. He even has his hand up cutting himself off from the other white boy.
0:14 White girl sitting with a non-white boy. [implied relationship]
0:24 Black boy asks sensible question. [diligence]. He's sitting with a white girl [implied relationship]. Everyone is looking at him [high value], white girl in front even turns to look at him [emphasising his higher value].
0:26 Teacher says "Getting your dad to insulate the loft" [implies he lives with his dad], [implied black male high parental investment].
0:36 Only a white girl can think of anything positive [implied female wisdom].
0:46 Miss calls for a show of hands, who is going to do the right thing? Only white girls and black boys apparently [implied female/non-white wisdom].
0:52 That white boy sitting alone [isolated], [low value] disinterested [unsympathetic], [low value]. As we can see he's one of the few children sitting alone at his table [implied pariah status].
And then execution for the white reactionary wreckers.
Scene 2: Office.
Who is a hero of the revolution?
1:29 White girl of child-bearing age and white man [implied relationship], we know she
had some brilliant ideas! [implied female wisdom]. While the man she is
most clearly paired with is older [implied weakness] wearing glasses
weakness] somewhat short [implied weakness].
Who's a reactionary wrecker...
1:45 Less attractive white girl [low value] dismissive [unsympathetic]
1:47 White man stands slightly apart [isolated] dismissive [unsympathetic]
1:47 Somewhat overweight white man [implied weakness] slightly apart [isolation] smug and dismissive [unsympathetic]
1:50 Blink and you'll miss him in the crowd. Overweight white man [implied weakness]
And execution again.
Scenes 3 & 4: Football training and stuff.
From now on in it's just being played for laughs, the real impact is over....
The Agenda™: White people are of generally selfish, low value, unpopular and don't care about the environment. The exception being certain wise, attractive white women. Non-whites are caring, high value and concerned about the environment.